

Friday, July 17, 2009


1. 幾特別, 唔知會唔會難拎


Silk-Flower Ring Pillow How-To

1. Gather the center of one petal and hold it firmly.

2. Gather the center of a second petal and lay it on the first at an angle; continue holding the center gathers in place.

3. Repeat with a third petal, positioning the stacked petals so they make a complete rosette with no gaps. (If you want a fuller effect, make the rosette with up to 5 petals.) Wrap floral wire tightly around petals at the center, and twist underneath to secure. Excess wire becomes a stem.

4. Make 2 more rosettes (for a showier flower like the bouquets, make 4 total).

5. Stack rosettes, slipping each wire stem between the petals of the rosettes beneath.

6. Twist stems together; cover with floral tape. Fluff petals. For the garland, wrap stem around greenery. For the table flowers, cut stem short. For the ring pillow, cut stem short, sew flower into place through wires at center, and tie on a ribbon, threading it through wire on top. For a bouquet, add millinery leaves.

2. 下面呢個普通d, 不過都幾簡潔


  1. 幸運兒4:30 PM

    wao. . . 我覺得第一款好靚呀,ummm. . .得閒要試下整先得。
    [版主回覆07/17/2009 16:43:00]係哩係哩~好新鮮~冇咁悶

  2. Jodie5:42 PM

    好靚呀, 請問你d花瓣可以去邊度買呀? ^^
    [版主回覆09/03/2009 19:49:00]係布黎架, 自己剪

  3. heiman11:47 PM

    好靚呀~請問第一款用乜野布黎整架? 我都想整個送比朋友 ^ ^
    [版主回覆09/29/2009 17:53:00]我都唔清楚, 其實冇咩所謂, 搵D挺少少既布, 自己鍾意就OK ^^
